Bambaqueen Dialogist-Kantor 2009
Sunday afternoon talk w DK
You are cordially invited to our Sunday afternoon talk on the 15th of December at 3 PM, inspired by “Erntedankfest”.
Starring: DIALOGIST-KANTOR / Toni Geirlandt and Carlos Montalvo
Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques: Thibaut Blondiau
Interviewed by Indra Devriendt (and you).
LLS Paleis
Paleisstraat 140, 2018 Antwerp
+32 3 337 03 87
La Machine Kunst 20.04.2024 Maubeuge
Dialogist-Kantor "La Machine Kunst"
SAT 20.04.2024
Le Shakespear , 3 rue du commerce, Maubeuge
16 - 21 avril 2024
résidence-création idem+arts 3 Rue Georges Paillot, Maubeuge, France
mano a mano LP17 Berlin 1996
Admiral Absturz Garten 2021
FESTIVAL TROUBLE #11 (07-11 / 07 /2021)
photos: Colin Delfosse
costumes: Sofi Van Saltbommel
“Admiral Absturz Garten” 2021
Séance Académique 50/50 (11 FEB 2022)
Séance Académique 50/50 Maison Pelgrims / 11 febr. 2022 from 14 – 18 hrs
affiche "PFF ZZZ BOF" , 50 X 70 cm , 250 ex.
exposition Sans Gêne, Wieze 2012